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What about the 'collection' ?

Churches like St. Paul’s are supported by the generosity of the people who come here, whether they are long-time members, newcomers, or visitors. All the bills, from ministers’ salaries to the gas and electricity, and all the activities and programs, are all paid for out of the ‘collection plate.’


We believe that our generosity is a spiritual response to the generosity God has shown in the many blessings we enjoy. Even in times of trouble, hardship, or grief, our God is a generous and loving God. Therefore, how can we not be generous ourselves, so that others can share in the abundance God has given?


During the service, offerings are ‘collected’ by passing a large plate. Some people will have their offerings in envelopes, others might put cash in, and still others may just pass the plate because they contribute through direct deposit to the church (high tech, eh?). And others may not be able to put anything in at all, because they are unable to do so this week.


Do what you feel is right, and whatever you can give is a blessing, for both you and for the church.


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200 McIntosh Street, Scarborough, Ontario, M1N 3X3

Phone Number: 416-261-4222


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