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Trinity Sunday


Trinity Sunday – June 7, 2020

Preamble / info.:

Music: Jeremy Dutcher – Mehcinut

A Prayer:

Almighty and loving God, from a formless void you created day and night, sky, Earth and seas, plants and vegetation, creatures great and small, and humans made in your image so that we may be faithful stewards of this world and all creation.

Wonderful Counselor, from your birth, through your life, and to your death, you show us how to live a life of love and compassion for all, helping those in need.

Eternal Spirit, you bring us joy in ordinary and simple pleasures, comfort in difficult times, and inspire us to take action against injustice.

Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, we offer you our thanks and praise.


Lighting of the Candle: (light your candle now)

Lighting a candle or candles is a reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World and of his presence among us while we worship. We are united as one people through Jesus Christ – his blood, his body, his ministry and his love. Through the darkness he is a symbol of light and hope – strong and everlasting. The light of Christ.


Introduction to today’s theme: Today is Trinity Sunday and the broad theme will be that of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, our Triune God as Creator, and the commissioning of the disciples.

Old Testament Reading: Genesis 1:1-2:4a. The first story of creation.

Music: Jesus Loves Me

A few weeks ago, Emma invited people to write a new verse or two for the beloved hymn, “Jesus Loves Me.” Although often thought of as a children’s hymn, the words are faithful and comforting at any age. This new verse has been provided by Avah Coppins.

New Testament Reading: Matthew 28:16-20. Go make disciples!

Sermon / Reflection: Far From Ordinary

Music: Geri Allen, pianist, playing Lush Life

Minute for Mission: Remembering Alvin Dixon

Offering, Prayer, Lord’s Prayer, and Benediction

Our offering is a both a practical and symbolic act of our commitment to serve Christ and build His church. Although we can’t actually ‘pass the plate’ online, you are encouraged to continue your gift to the church, as the work of the St Paul’s and the staff continue:

· Drop your envelope (cheque or cash) at the church;

· Mail your cheque to the church;

· Go on PAR (call Rosie for details);

· Use the Donate button at the top of the page (it will take you to SPUC’s Canada Helps page where you can donate online and get an instant tax receipt).

Music: In Christ There Is No East or West

One Last Thought.

Closing notes:

  • Don’t forget to extinguish your candle!

  • As an exercise in keeping in touch with your SPUC family, we’re inviting everyone to open their Church Directory, find your own name and then count down the list by 7 names and call that person. They might be a good friend, they might be a casual acquaintance at church, or they may be someone you don’t know. Give them a call and wish them peace in the name of Christ, and just see how they’re doing.

  • Remember to Zoom in for Emma’s hymn Sing-Along on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.

Emma Wallace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: St. Paul's Hymn Sing

Time: Jun 7, 2020 02:00 PM America/Toronto

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 608 875 9725

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Meeting ID: 608 875 9725

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Songs for the Sing-Along

#1 Songs of the Gospel, 23 – In the Garden

Words, Music: C. Austin Miles, and C. A. M.

#2 VU 320 – Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth

Words: Julian of Norwich, adapt. Jean Wiebe Janzen, music: Henry Baker

#3 VU 291 – All Things Bright and Beautiful

Words: Cecil Frances Alexander, music: 17th century English melody, adapt., arr. Martin Shaw

#4 VU 296 – This is God’s Wondrous World

Words: Maltbie Davenport Babcock, music: English traditional melody, adapt. Franklin Sheppard, adapt. Stanley Oliver

#5 VU 315 – Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty

Words: Reginald Heber, music: John Bacchus Dykes

#6 VU 691 – Through Ancient Walls



200 McIntosh Street, Scarborough, Ontario, M1N 3X3

Phone Number: 416-261-4222

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