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Fourth After Pentecost - Indigenous Day of Prayer

Karen Chandler

Sunday, June 20, 2021

To find out more about the significance of the Two Row Wampum Belt,

please click on the image of the belt, above. [a]

On June 21, 2021, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of National Indigenous

Peoples Day. It provides us with an opportunity to celebrate Indigenous

heritage, customs, culture, language, and outstanding achievements of First

Nations, Inuit and Métis people.

The Sunday prior to June 21 (today) is Indigenous Day of Prayer and many

Christian denominations across Canada spend time in reflection, lament and

prayer of the treatment of Indigenous people in Canada. The United Church of

Canada acknowledged and apologized for its involvement in colonization in

1986, and for its role in the Indian Residential schools in 1998 and have made a

promise to "walk together... in the Spirit of Christ so that our peoples may be

blessed and God's creation healed."[a]

Thank you Rev. Read Sherman, of Trinity United Church in Montreal and the

United Church of Canada for having prepared a service for use by

congregations for Indigenous Day of Prayer. Parts of that service will be utilized

today and noted with an asterisk. All copyright information can be found in

the Closing Notes (below).

Acknowledging our Kinship*

Hymn: Voices United #567, Will You Come and Follow Me

Liane Catibog, Brian Elcombe, Stanley Farrow, and Kathleen McLarty came

together virtually this week to share their time and talent in creating the

following music video - voices lifted in worship of our Lord.

Thank you for your gift.

Lighting of the Christ Candle

With this being one of the longest days of sunlight for us in this part of Ontario,

we are thankful to our Creator for the light and life of Jesus Christ who we see

in the glorious golden sunrise,

in the brilliant morning rays,

in the cooling afternoon sun, and

in the diminishing ball of fire that sets over the horizon in the evening.

The light of Christ, be with us now.

Scripture Reading*: Genesis 1:26-27 NRSV

Humans shall have 'dominion'

Hymn: Voices United #652, Be Still My Soul (Golden Ears United Church)

Scripture Reading*: Matthew 22:34-40 (NRSV)

You shall love your neighbour as yourself


Sermon*: Finding Neighbours Everywhere

Instrumental Reflection

A time to reflect on the scripture while listening to this Haudenosaunee Seed Song.

Offering Invitation

"Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our

likeness" (Genesis 1:26), and similar to how we may bear resemblance to a

parent, we also bear a resemblance to our Creator. We do not have the right to

destroy creation. We have a family, a neighbourly, a kin responsibility to ensure

it bears fruit for our future generations.

Let us return to God, that which has first been given to us - we give to the

ministry and mission of the Church, and that we may care for a world in need.

Our offering is both a practical and symbolic act of our commitment to serve Christ and build His church. Although we can’t actually pass the plate’ online, you are encouraged to continue your gift to the church, as the work of the St Paul’s and the staff continues:

  • Drop your envelope (cheque or cash) at the church;

  • Mail your cheque to the church;

  • Go on PAR (call the church for details);

  • Use the Donate button at the top of the page (it will take you to SPUC’s Canada Helps page where you can donate online and get an instant tax receipt).

Donations to St. Paul's United Church have decreased over the past few months and your support is needed to maintain our ministry and mission. Thank you.

Offertory Hymn: Voices United #701, What Does the Lord Require of You?

Offering Prayer

O Lord, our Creator, you continue to bless us with your gifts.

Please accept these, our gifts given with humble and thankful hearts.

Because of, and in the name of, and through Jesus Christ, we pray.


Prayer for the Students of Kamloops Residential School

Written by Moderator Richard Bott, The United Church of Canada

Prayers of the People

Today, O God,

we thank you for this special day, and we pray deeply and reverently to you,

knowing that you will hear our prayers,

- that our nation's political and Indigenous leaders will work together to create

policies and action plans that sustain our planet and creation for future


- that our minds and hearts and hands are put to work to continue fostering a

right relationship with Indigenous peoples;

- that all of us know and recognize each other as beloved kin;

- that the sick and the lonely are comforted by your presence and abiding love;

- that those who have lost family, and friends are sheltered, protected and

cared for as they grieve;

- that those who struggle with life's challenges related to marginalization,

racism, oppression, hate, and violence find solace and strength in you O Lord.

We lift up to you the names of those who are foremost in our thoughts and

prayers this day, and may you grant them peace.

We commit these, our prayers to you in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son.


Hymn: Voices United #960, The Lord's Prayer

Let us pray now the one prayer that unites us in Your presence, O Lord (you can sing with the video or recite the words below):

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed by thy name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive them that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory

forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn: Songs of the Gospel #99, Trusting Jesus

Commissioning and Benediction*

As God's united yet diverse peoples,

we go to become neighbours to each other and to the earth.

For in Christ we are all kin.

We are called to be neighbours, to share generously with each other.

As we learn more, respect more, love more, we all can gain, not lose!

God as Creator will be our rock. Christ and Spirit be our guides.

God in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Hymn: Go Now in Peace

Food for the Journey

If you find yourself unfamiliar with Indigenous issues, please watch this video

made by TV Ontario with the presenter, Eddy Robinson.

It is both informative and educational, and more information can be

Closing Notes

Don't forget to extinguish your candle(s).

Pastoral Care

Rev. Debbie Johnson has joined St. Paul's to provide some Pastoral Care to our congregation on a part-time basis. If you would like a call or email from Rev. Debbie, please contact the office at 416-261-4222. More information and a video from Rev. Debbie can be found on our church homepage.

Zoom Coffee

Please join us for Zoom Coffee Time on June 20, 2021 from 11:30 am-12:00 pm:

Meeting ID: 829 432 3094

Dial in: +1 647 558 0588

Worship Resources Used in this Service

Thank you Rev. Read Sherman, of Trinity United Church ( in Montreal and the United Church of Canada for having prepared this service for use by congregations. All copyright information can be found in the Closing Notes section.

© 2021 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit

All biblical quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[a] The Wampum Belt image at top is licensed under the

For more information on the Two Row Wampum Belt Treaty

Thank Yous

  • Ian Sortwell for reading Acknowledging our Kinship

  • Max Laumeister for his web script that makes our YouTube videos work.

  •,, and websites for the images and backgrounds.

  • And, thank you to all of the artists whose music and videos were used in the service:

o St. Paul's United Church

o Golden Ears United Church

o Pacific Spirit United Church

o Kelly Cullen for the Haudenosaunee Seed Song

o Grace Bible Church - Adell

o TV Ontario and Eddy Robinson for sharing his story



200 McIntosh Street, Scarborough, Ontario, M1N 3X3

Phone Number: 416-261-4222

© 2016, 2020 St. Paul's United Church. Proudly created with

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