Hello to the stranger behind the screen! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is He Xiang Guo (pronounced He Shang), and I'm the 2018 Summer Program Coordinator! This year, I graduated from Victoria Park Collegiate Institute, and I will be heading off to the University of Toronto in the fall to study anthropology and computer science.
I may be a tad shy, but never be scared to pop in and say hi on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. It helps if you've got a book recommendation, since I'm always looking to expand my reading list. Better yet, come say hi at an event during the summer, like a movie day/night, arts & crafts, baking, and more! You can keep updated by checking the calendar on the main page, or by looking at the schedule for a certain group like the Cliffside Seniors' Club. I look forward to seeing you, and I hope you all find the summer schedule fun, and smoothly run.