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Peace & Justice Work

Jesus' message of 'Good News' is expressed in our faith by the way we build towards God's world of Peace and Justice: in our personal lives as well as our communities and around the world.  The programs and partners outlined below are some of the ways that the people of St. Paul's contribute to making the world a better place, especially for the vulnerable and disenfranchised.

Simenya Journey of Hope School

The Journey of Hope School in Kenya has been a special project with St. Paul's for more than ten years.  With the funds raised, we have helped to build the school, dig a well for clean water, expand the breakfast program, and support the salary costs of the teachers.

Along with a number of other churches in the Birchcliff / Cliffside neighbourhods, St. Paul's supports the local food bank. It is one of the largest food banks in Scarborough, serving individuals and families throughout South Scarborough.

Dr. Roz's Centre for Empowerment and Healing is located in the Cliffside neighbourhood, a short distance from St. Paul's. It provides emergency crisis and care to all those who identify as women, children and youth emerging from abusive relationships.   Dr. Roz's focuses on providing a safe living environment conducive to healing and wellness. This facility helps them to recover from violence and trauma through an integrative and holistic approach.

The CRC is a United Church mission in the heart of Regent Park. Originally running out of the basement of Regent Park United Church, the CRC has expanded with the opening a new building that offers some 85 deeply affordable rental units, a daily meal program, clothing bank, advocacy and assistance programs, food security and education, and many more services to the neighbourhood.

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Cyclone Idai

Relief and Assistance for Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Malawi.









Earlier this spring, the southern African countries of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Malawi were devastated by the storms and rains of Cyclone Idai. Extreme flooding has destoryed the little that was left after the winds.  Hundreds have died, thousands are homeless, crops are destroyed, and cholera threatens the lives of the survivors.  All three countries' fragile and inadequate infrastructure is incapable of meeting the needs of their people.


The United Church through our local partners is on the ground in Africa is providing immediate relief and long-term support for the survivors.  We have long-standing relationships in the area, and are committed to working with the local leaders to get the needed help in the most practical way possible.


Donations to the United Church for Emergency Relief qualify for a tax receipt, which will be promptly sent to you by email.  100% of donations are used for Emergency Relief -- the church covers the cost of administrative overhead so that your donation can be fully effective.  N.B.  When the United Church issues an 'Emergency Response' to a particular event like this one in Africa, we hold back 5% of the donations to support other humanitarian needs that don't get the media attention or are smaller in scope.  But, be assured that your donation is used wisely and completely for those in need in emergency, life-threatening situations.  NONE of your donation is used to cover administration, service costs, or to support the church! 


Please be generous. You can donate through our Canada Helps Page and clicking Emergency Relief Cyclone Idai.


Thank you!



200 McIntosh Street, Scarborough, Ontario, M1N 3X3

Phone Number: 416-261-4222


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