St. Paul's United Church Scarborough
Pastoral Care / Faith Formation / Spiritual Practices
You may not be familiar with these terms, but all three of these phrases are just church-speak for how we, as Christians, care for one another, nurture and develop our faith, and live in community together. One of the 'hallmarks' of Christianity is that it recognizes that humans have been created as social creatures. Like many other religions and spiritual traditions, Christians understand the importance of 'inner' growth; but, Christians also emphasize that our faith is also fully realized in how we live in the world.
God's love for creation is fulfilled in all its abundance when we live in right relationships: with ourselves, with one another, with creation and with God. We do this by reflecting upon the life of Jesus: how he was devoted to God, how he cared for the the poor and the marginalized, and how he took time to pray and spend time in 'the wilderness,'
At St. Paul's we endeavour to follow Jesus' footsteps. Here's some of the ways that we do this together.

Pastoral Care

Social events

Bible Study

Exploring our Faith

Not your 'Gran's' Book Club

Labyrinth Walking

Meditation Group