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Children & Youth @ St. Paul's


Attention all Parents! Don't Panic!!


That's usually the first thing we have to assure families when they bring their kids to church for the first time.  Kids are bundles of energy, and if they squirm, giggle, talk out loud, or runabout a bit, it's not the end of the world.  If Jesus bid the children come to him, who are we to tell them they need to behave so perfectly?


So bring the kids, and relax a bit.  During Sunday mornings we have Children's Church (often called Sunday School, but we're trying to make it more fun than 'school').


We endeavour to be inclusive for all ages during our services, programs, and events.  Children and youth contribute to the services by reading scripture, leading prayers and liturgies, participating in the interactive reflections, and sharing their own insights on this thing we call life!


YAYA (Youth And Young Adults) are free to choose to gather together with others of their age for time with a leader, or to participate in the service.


Kids usually come up to the main church space for Communion, and are welcomed at the table as is everybody regardless of age.


For the really small ones, we've got a family-friendly space at the back of the church with rocking chairs suitable for nursing or soothing a baby.

200 McIntosh Street, Scarborough, Ontario, M1N 3X3

Phone Number: 416-261-4222


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